I am actually quite concerned at this point…
The hard fact is that I have been in a noticeable and unpredictable decline for the past several months. The disappointing results have been since my trip to Tacoma in early March. The reason I went was to stop the decline that started showing up in December. Dr. Robson stated that the strengthening of my core and leg muscles will be automatic as I begin to walk naturally. He stated that once the healing occurs the act of walking will be natural. At this point in the process with Dr. Robson something is not working as I regressed to how I was prior to my first visit to Tacoma in July, 2009.
I’m not prepared to say that there is a problem or even that the appliances aren’t working, I am just admitting that something is going on that we need to address.
I still haven’t heard back from Dr. Nelson re: CCSV and the possibility of opening of my pinched veins and arteries of my brain to reverse the current symptoms in my legs and hands…
I will post both conversations with Nelson and Robson…